When Downend Camera Club was formed in the 1950s its President stated “If not the greatest it’s the happiest, because if nothing else this club is a place of atmosphere, a friendly atmosphere” and that sentiment applies as much today as it did then.
We are very proud of our tradition of photography and friendliness and you are welcome to visit the club any Tuesday night throughout the year, or come and see us at any local event.

Downend Camera Club is a vibrant and active club with 40 members who meet weekly throughout the year. We have a wide and varied programme that caters for all abilities and aims to improve the photography of its members. We are continuing and extending the traditions of the club by being actively involved in the community, we hold regular exhibitions within our three local libraries.

N.B. If you join halfway through the year then a pro-rata rate is charged.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or queries, through the 'contact us' button on the main menu, we are always pleased to help.