Print and Projected Image Competition No 3 'Monochrome'
Recent Competitions

Print and Projected Image Competition No 3 'Monochrome'

 This year our Print and Projected Image Competition No 3 'Monochrome' was held on Tuesday 7th May 2024. It attracted a very good entry and was judged by Robert Phelps of BPS.

Print and Projected Image Competition No 1 'Open'
Recent Competitions

Print and Projected Image Competition No 1 'Open'

Print and Projected Image competition No 1 'Open' was held on Tuesday 6th February 2024 and attracted an entry of over  Print and  Projected Images. The competition was judged by Peter...

Print and Projected Image Competition No 2 Open
Recent Competitions

Print and Projected Image Competition No 2 Open

Print and Projected Image Competition No 2 'Open' took place at the club on Tuesday 26th March 2024

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The Annual  'Object'  Competition took place at the club on Tuesday 2nd August  2022 and was judged by all members on the night. The competition is a panel of 5 prints comprising  a photograh of an 'Object',  this year a Flower, and four other photographs take from a list of topics,  a Window, a Glass, a Gate, a Door and a Kitchen Utensil. 

The Winner


Our congratulations go to Wendy Lockyer  who won the Object Competition  with her panel of prints.


Congratulations also to Vilma and Trevor for their joint winning images for the 'Door' and 'Gate' categories.