Print and Projected Image Competition No 3 'Monochrome'
Recent Competitions

Print and Projected Image Competition No 3 'Monochrome'

 This year our Print and Projected Image Competition No 3 'Monochrome' was held on Tuesday 7th May 2024. It attracted a very good entry and was judged by Robert Phelps of BPS.

Print and Projected Image Competition No 1 'Open'
Recent Competitions

Print and Projected Image Competition No 1 'Open'

Print and Projected Image competition No 1 'Open' was held on Tuesday 6th February 2024 and attracted an entry of over  Print and  Projected Images. The competition was judged by Peter...

Print and Projected Image Competition No 2 Open
Recent Competitions

Print and Projected Image Competition No 2 Open

Print and Projected Image Competition No 2 'Open' took place at the club on Tuesday 26th March 2024

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Print and Projected Image Competition Image No 6  'Open',  took place on Tuesday 1st November  2022. The competition attracted a large entry of both projected images and prints and was judged by Robert Phelps, our  thanks go to him for his constructive comments, advice and an entertaining evening.




Print Competition




1st    Facade                                            Alan Brimson


2nd   Salisbury Cathedral                    Trevor Toms 


3rd    Danger                                        Alan Thunhurst



Highly Commended


Tulip                                                                Vilma Clingham-Toms


Red Arrows                                                    David Gregory


Two Kingfishers                                            David Gregory














 Salisbury Cathedral  














 Red Arrows





Two Kingfishers    




Digital Image Competition


1st   Eagle Eyed                                            Ben Newby


2nd  Thousand Yard Stare                          Ben Newby


3rd  On a Roll                                                Derek Britton LRPS


Highly Commended


Form and Texture                                    Andrew Luff


Darter                                                        Derek Britton LRPS


Flocking Warbirds                                    Ben Newby  





Eagle Eyed





Thousand Yard Stare




On a Roll






Form and Texture











Flocking Warbirds