Print and Projected Image Competition No 3 'Monochrome'
This year our Print and Projected Image Competition No 3 'Monochrome' was held on Tuesday 7th May 2024. It attracted a very good entry and was judged by Robert Phelps of BPS.
The annual John Uren Audio Visual competition was held at the club. The competition is always well supported and this year was no exception with an entry of over 20 sequences. The competition...
The Annual Print and Annual Projected Image of the Year competition was judged by Peter Weaver APAGB, DPAGB of Hanham Photographic Society on Tuesday 13th December...
Our annual Tryptic competition was held at the club last night, Tuesday 30th April 2024 and attracted a good entry.of over 80 Print and DPI images. The competition was judged internally by...
Dates, titles and closing entry dates for the next twelve months can be found here.